Current ePetitions

Hertfordshire Growth Board welcomes contact from the public and is committed to listening to concerns raised and dealing with them promptly and effectively.

The Hertfordshire Growth Board petitions scheme can be viewed here Petitions Scheme. This scheme applies to both paper and e-petitions.

There are no current ePetitions

Submitting an e-Petition

An e-petition is a petition which collects signatures online. All petitions submitted to the Growth Board must relate to a matter over which is within the responsibility of the Hertfordshire Growth Board, or over which it has influence. Anyone who lives or works in Hertfordshire can submit or sign an e-petition on the Growth Board's website.

Supporting an e-Petition

To support an existing e-petition choose an e-petition and add your name, address and email address. To find out more about the issue, see the supporting information, provided by the lead petitioner, attached to the e-petition.

Hertfordshire County Council is the data controller for personal information submitted for e-petitions to the Hertfordshire Growth Board and is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office. Your data will be used to verify the number of qualifying signatories to the petition you have started and/or signed. Information provided will be held securely from the date you start or sign a petition until one year after that petition closes. Data may need to be shared in order to prevent or detect crime, to protect public funds or if any other legislation requires it. You have the right to access your data and to have any factual errors corrected. Rights to erase, restrict, object or move your data may also apply in certain circumstances. If you would like to request a copy of your data held in the e-petition system, please email Democratic Services in the first instance at Information on your rights and how to access your information can be found at


This Growth Board accepts no liability for the petitions on these web pages. The views expressed in each petition are those of the lead petitioner and do not necessarily reflect those of the Growth Board.